Our practice-based PhD program at The Creative School, Toronto Metropolitan University, goes from strength to strength, and continually gives me stimulating things to think about [writes David Gauntlett].
In early 2024, I wrote down some new thoughts and observations, ‘Practice-based Research – Some new principles‘, plus an extended discussion of ‘A practice-based PhD as a basket of things‘.
Then I added ‘Practice-based research is for imagining and exploring‘, which explains:
Other methods can describe what already is. Practice‑based methods are for exploring what could be.
I also collaborated with the brilliant PhD students Justine Woods and Francisco-Fernando Granados, to produce an article called ‘Reframing, embodying, and in-betweening: A conversation about experiences of doing practice-based research and research-creation‘. As it says in the title, it’s a conversation – about experiences of doing practice-based research – between the three of us, and therefore is hopefully readable and engaging.
I hope these are useful resources for others on their practice-based research / research-creation journey.