On Thursday 8 February 2024 we are super happy to be hosting a keynote by Chris E. Vargas, the pioneering founder of MOTHA, the Museum of Trans Hirstory and Art, and the instigator and co-editor of the new book ‘Trans Hirstory in 99 Objects‘ which he will be launching here too!
His presentation is at 3.30-4.30pm, and is part of Rubix, the annual free conference showcasing research and creative practice at The Creative School, Toronto Metropolitan University.
Here’s the book:
This will be a great event.
You are also invited to the evening of Pecha Kuchas – part of the same event– where all kinds of creative and interesting people will be doing their talks of 20 slides, 20 seconds each (see, again, the Rubix website for the programme).
I’m doing one! Ashley Jane Lewis is doing one! We are also co-hosting the whole thing.
All this is happening in The Catalyst, a big open space that you can’t miss on the second floor of the Rogers Communication Centre at 80 Gould Street, Toronto.
We would love to see you there! The street doors have annoying card access, but people come and go all the time so the easiest way to get in is just to follow someone in.
Hope to see you on Thursday if you can make it!